Determining an effective public, private or international policy that addresses a desired problem is a complex and difficult task. According to UNICEF: “Evidence-based policy making refers to a policy process that helps planners make better-informed decisions by putting the best available evidence at the center of the policy process". Such a policy development process considers "evidence" as the central element to make the best-informed decisions possible concerning the choice, design and implementation of policies. The evidence consists of information collected or established beforehand by systematic or scientific studies, such as statistics, demographics or expert opinions, calculations of indicators, forecasts or models obtained by simulations. Numerical techniques play a crucial role in revealing evidence, among others we can mention data analysis by data mining or machine learning, agent-based simulations to study various scenarios, or advanced and interactive visualisations. This session addresses the topic of Evidence-based policy-making from different angles: public or private companies policies, data requirement, the digital services and methods supporting policy processes; and regroups panelists representative of these various aspects.